Wednesday, 13 January 2010

I refuse to post pics of snow

The UK has been hit by rather unusual levels of snow the last few weeks. Other countries might scoff at how badly we're coping, but we're just not used to it, and have no money invested in dealing with prolonged snow and ice because it rarely snows at all in most of England.

My poor mother has been practically housebound, not daring to risk a repeat of an incident a few years ago where she slipped on some ice right outside our house and broke her foot, leaving her unable to walk properly for almost 2 months. I must confess, the thought of her falling and breaking her hip has been preying on my mind.

So no pics of snow from me because everyone and their dog has posted it. But here's an unusual sight I passed on the way home - someone decided to string up a load of soft toy puppies on a tree, like a macabre offering to some deity to end the winter freeze.

Saturday, 9 January 2010

Death and politics

For some time now, the small town of Wootton Bassett has paid respect to fallen British soldiers, whose bodies are being returned from battle in Afghanistan and Iraq via the town to a mortuary. Recently, several muslims from a group called Islam4UK decided they wanted to use the town to make their own anti war protest march.

This is what someone had to say about it on one forum:

"I have to say that after listening to his I've never felt more like picking up a gun and killing some f.ucking muslim c.unts! Mainly the ones that will be with him on his little parade...... then the rest of em.

F.uck em."

Islam4UK is a fringe group which probably has less than 100 members, out of almost 2 million muslims in the UK. Its leader has had his organisations banned one by one for promoting or glorifying terrorism. Nonetheless they have managed to garner immense amounts of media attention.

"Why aren't mainstream muslims speaking up, if they're opposed?" The same, tired old arguments are being wheeled out. They are speaking out - the media just isn't interested because it doesn't make as juicy a story. Oh and look, there's even a facebook group protesting against Islam4UK. That will really show those evil muslims that we mean business.

No right thinking muslim would want to use occasions of grief as an opportunity to make some cheap political point. Most british muslims are against the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, to differing extents and for different reasons. Sadly, our stock has fallen so low, our reputations become so tarnished, that anyone will now believe anything of us, no matter how low or inhuman. Now more than ever, it is incumbent upon every muslim to make that extra effort to reach out to their fellow human beings and remind them we are here and that we are not all filled with hate and nihilistic violence.

The latest conspiracy story is about Google. If you type in "Christianity is" into the Google search box, it starts generating the most common predictable search requests. Yet if you type "Islam is" you get nothing. People are up in arms, claiming that there's a conspiracy to appease those dangerous violent muslims. Google says it's just a programming bug. Which do you think is more plausible? If Google really wanted to deceive people, why not generate options like "Islam is a good religion", rather than deleting the entire predictive text option?

Monday, 4 January 2010

New Year Resolutions

Ok so they don't have a good press. Plus why pick that date; the Islamic New Year technically started a few weeks ago. Regardless, I'm going to pick this opportunity to make some goals:

1) Get my thesis done on time. That's not a goal really, that's just a matter of survival - September 2010

2) Stick to training even when I'm distracted and stressed at work. More specifically, I want my weight back to go past my previous heaviest (74.5kg) and up towards 80kg. I want to beat my squat and deadlift pb of 95kg and 120kg for reps, respectively, and to get my bench to something almost vaguely respectable, let's say 75kg. I also want to commit to regular stretching and mobility work (Eric cressey kinda stuff).

3) Be organised and efficient! Go to bed earlier, turn the computer off by 22:30, be in bed by 23:00. Get things for the next day ready the night before so I'm not tripping over stuff trying to find them in the morning.

4) Eating enough food every day. Not rushing through breakfast. Getting plenty of water in. Making more of an effort to get a serving or 3 of fruit EVERY day.

5) Start writing more on this blog, even if it's just a training log.

Looking at 2010 with both hope and fear in equal measure

Well it's crunch time. I have less than 9 months left to submit my PhD thesis. Eek! I'm at home right now writing. Or maybe that should be "writing." I have complete writer's block. My secondary supervisor said a few weeks ago "At least you're not afraid of writing, so that's one issue you won't have to deal with." That's true, but I still HATE thesis writing! I enjoy writing, just not about my own work.

Of course if I enjoy writing so much, why have I neglected this blog? According to Lijit, people are still visiting, so hey! *waves electronically at internet people.*

Training wise, I am currently on a 20 rep squats program, which looks like this:

Squats: 1x20
Dbell Pullover: 1x20
StiffLeg Deadlifts: 1x15
Dips: 2x10
1 Arm Rows (I don't like BORs): 2x10
Abs and core stuff

The idea is to pick a weight you can squat for 10 reps - and do 20 reps. So you do 10 reps, wait a few seconds, then force a few more reps out, start breathing heavy, force few more reps out, start swearing from the pain, and finish the set, all without racking the bar. Since nowadays I normally squat 72.5kgx6, I started at 50kgx20, and have worked up to 70kgx20. I want to get to 72.5kgx20 and then leave it, and finally switch to Eric Cressey again.

All I need to sort out are my eating habits. As in - EAT EAT EAT!